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Community Gardens

Opportunities to garden together

Badger Rock Community Gardens

South Side residents can apply to garden at Badger Rock Community Gardens each year. In return for the opportunity to use the land to grow their own food and share gardening knowledge and ideas, community gardeners assist in site maintenance and management through volunteer commitments.

Troy Community Gardens

Area residents can apply to garden at Troy Community Gardens each year. In return for the opportunity to use the land to grow their own food and share gardening knowledge and ideas, community gardeners assist in site maintenance and management through volunteer commitments.

The Gardens Network

The Gardens Network connects people in Dane County with the land, education, and resources that support community gardening. The annual Community Garden Summit fosters learning and connection among community garden members. Visit the Gardens Network website for information about Dane County community gardens, The Gardens Network, or to find a community garden.

Capitol Demonstration Garden

Since 2010, Rooted and its partners TradeRoots and Urban Triage have managed a vegetable garden at the east corner of the Capitol Square. With this small, 350-square-foot garden, we demonstrate to visitors from across the state the beauty and diversity of food grown by Madison gardeners.

The Big Share fundraiser is an important part of funding Rooted’s programs. We depend on support from community members like YOU. 

Your gift helps grow the gardens.